Interior Plant Care:
Interior Plant Care:
Light: choose the right plant for the right location:
Low light: Limited types of plants do well in low light; however, succulents, cacti, blooming plants, or ferns should never be in low light. Some plants that do well in low light are: Pothos, Philodendrons, and Sansevierias (snake plants).
Medium light: You have more choices in medium light but still be careful to check the light level needed.
Harsh light: Basically any plant does well with harsh light indoors; the light level can never be too high for most plants.
Watering: the #1 reason plants die (if they are already in the right light level), is over-watering. Don't kill them with kindness. Always check to see if the top 3-4 inches of soil is dry before adding water. Use your finger as a moisture meter to check. You should give them enough water that about an inch will drain into the saucer.
Pests: Pests are more of an issue outside, just keep an eye out. Hosing plants off is very effective at preventing infestations. If you see something on your plant that wasn't there before, it's probably a pest you need to treat. Spraying with an organic spray such as insecticidal soap or oil usually works.
Clean your plants regularly by wiping the leaves with a soft cloth. This keeps them looking good and helps eliminate pests that might be starting to make a home on your plant.